ArticlesIssue 78, Spring/Summer 2021
Young Adult/Children
Tortoises support transition to middle school in tale about maturity
Calgary-based author Patti Edgar “wanted to write a novel about a close childhood friendship at a crossroads.” The result is Anna Analyst, which follows Anna, who narrates and is always open about her foibles, and her best friend, Lana, as they make the transition from elementary to middle school. -
Young Adult/Children
Nelson stretches into two genres new to her with pair of releases
The best writers are always stretching themselves, looking for challenges. Some do this by trying different genres. After nine books of realistic fiction (and two of futuristic sci-fi) for middle years and YA readers, Winnipeg-based Colleen Nelson has, within a year, published books in two genres new to her – a picture book, Teaching Mrs. Muddle, and a YA fantasy novel, The Life and Deaths of Frankie D. -
Young Adult/Children
Tale of a touching gift passed on to a new refugee family turns into picture book
For Nhung N. Tran-Davies, her autobiographical picture book The Doll, illustrated by Ravy Puth, isn’t just personal – it’s a book four decades in the making. When her family first arrived in Canada as refugees from the Vietnam War, their sponsors’ daughter, Adrienne, gave her the eponymous doll. -
Young Adult/Children
Award-winning series comes together in one adventuresome volume
Marion Mutala’s Baba’s Babushka: Magical Ukrainian Adventures is an all-in-one gathering of the three books in her award-winning Baba’s Babushka series: A Magical Ukrainian Christmas, A Magical Ukrainian Easter, and A Magical Ukrainian Wedding – along with the brand new A Magical Ukrainian Journey. -
Young Adult/Children
Les Métis de Saint-Laurent en histoire et en images selon Gisèle Reynolds
L’album jeunesse Le doré de Saint-Laurent est un beau petit récit ancré dans ce qui donne à ce village métis du Lac Manitoba son caractère : la pêche commerciale sur glace pour le doré, une tradition et un mode de vie aussi vieux que la province elle-même. -
Young Adult/Children
Reynolds represents Métis of Saint-Laurent in both folk art and story
The picture book Le doré de Saint-Laurent is a wonderful little story rooted in what gives a certain Lake Manitoba Métis community its character: commercial ice fishing for pickerel, a tradition and a way of life as old as the province itself. -
Un recueil qui rétablit le rapport de force dans les discussions sur la sexualité et les relations
Poète francophone Amber O’Reilly s’est replonger dans ses vieux journaux qu’elle a écrits comme adolescente, pour écrire son premier livre, un recueil de poésie. -
Poetry collection aims to take back power in discussing sexuality, relationships
Francophone poet Amber O’Reilly dove into old journals that she wrote as an adolescent to write her first book, a collection of poetry. -
Over the years, I’ve said to anybody who will listen that being the director of a literary festival is the best job on the planet – and even COVID chaos hasn’t shaken that conviction. To spend days and months and years poring over new books, talking with writers and publishers across the country, exploring ways to connect readers and writers – it never gets old.