About Us
Prairie books NOW is a widely read print and digital publication dedicated to promoting books by Prairie publishers and writers. It is available free-of-charge at many bookstores, libraries, and other locations throughout the Prairies, and at select locations in Canada and the US Midwest. PbN is sent to an extensive media and subscriber list. It is sent to many schools in Western Canada. We also insert copies of PbN in the Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba home-subscriber editions of The Globe and Mail and it is distributed to select home-subscribers of the Winnipeg Free Press.
PbN covers more than 300 books annually (through feature articles, previews and online exclusives) and has an estimated readership of about 90,000 book lovers!
PbN is published by the Association of Manitoba Book Publishers.
If you would like to request a free copy or copies please email us at:
hello (at) prairiebooksnow.ca
or call the Association of Manitoba
Book Publishers (AMBP) at:
(204) 947-3335