ArticlesIssue 81, Fall/Winter 2022-23
Young Adult/Children
Tale of the raven offers Gitxsan teaching, perspective of interdependence
In the midst of a climate crisis, it has never been more important to understand how ecosystems work. That’s why Hetxw’ms Gyetxw, or Brett D. Huson, of the Gitxsan Nation in northwestern British Columbia, decided to write engaging and informative books about the creatures on his home territory. -
Young Adult/Children
Partager avec les enfants des bribes d’histoires et du temps des Inuits
La série d’albums jeunesse historiques de la chanteuse Susan Aglukark partage des beaux moments de changement dans la vie de la génération de sa mère, la dernière génération traditionnelle inuite habitant le Grand Nord du Canada. -
Young Adult/Children
Susan Aglukark shares stories of Inuit life and history with children
Singer-songwriter Susan Aglukark’s series of historical picture books shares beautiful moments of change in the lives of her mother’s generation, the last traditional generation of Inuit in Canada’s North. -
En Français
De courts textes écrits en français avec un léger accent anglais
Petites nouvelles du Last Best Ouest est un livre écrit en français avec de l’anglais dedans. Pourtant, le nouveau recueil de poèmes de Pierrette Requier est plus que ça. Beaucoup plus que ça. -
En Français
Short pieces written written in French with a slight English accent
Petites nouvelles du Last Best Ouest is a book written in French with English in it. But of course, Pierrette Requier’s new poetry collection is more than that. Much more than that. -
Writers in Canada have such powerful and varied stories to tell, and by presenting them in audio, those stories are given even further dimension. Creating an audiobook is a careful process of matching a story with a spoken voice that will intrigue and delight, in equal measure.