ArticlesIssue 83, Fall/Winter 2023/24
Young Adult/Children
YA fiction inspired by the common tick considers dystopia, manipulation of reality
Human beings are more than the sum of their parts, and included in that sum are their experiences and their memories, which make people who they are as individuals. Identity and memory are interconnected, and without history to provide context, the self can be lost quite quickly. -
Les cartes postales anciennes : des « instantanés dans le temps » pour un livre d’histoire
Depuis des années, Joanne Therrien a collectionné plus de 6 000 cartes postales anciennes, plusieurs de plus d’une centaine d’années. Maintenant, elle va intégrer ces images dans une série de livres historiques canadiens qui seront publiés en français et aussi en anglais. -
‘Snapshot in time’ collected on old postcards for history book
Over the years, Joanne Therrien has collected over 6,000 vintage postcards, many over a century old. Now she is incorporating them into a series of Canadian history books to be published in both French and English. -
Dispatches from a Diverse Bookstore
When did you first see yourself in a story? In a character that looks like you? Speaks like you? Loves like you? How old were you when that happened? How did it feel?