PreviewsRichard Van Camp

  • Taaqtumi

    An Anthology of Arctic Horror Stories

    , Aviaq Johnston, Richard Van Camp, Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley, Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley, Thomas Anguti Johnston, Repo Kempt

    Taaqtumi means “in the dark,” and the nine stories by Northern writers – including Richard Van Camp and Aviaq Johnston – are dark indeed, with everything from zombies to cannibalism in the land of long nights and stormy days.

  • Tout petit toi

    Richard Van Camp, Julie Flett (Illustrator), Rachel Martinez (Translator)

    Cet album cartonné au ton poétique, destine aux bébés et aux bambins, célèbre tous les enfants du monde et la joie qu’ils y apportent. This poetic board book for babies and toddlers celebrates all the joy that children bring to the world.

  • Trois plumes

    Richard Van Camp, K. Mateus (Illustrator), Raoul Granger (Translator)

    Comme punition, trois jeunes hommes doivent vivre de la terre dans une communauté qu’ils ont vandalisée. Trois plumes, un BD roman de la série Debwe (dire la vérité), explore le pouvoir et la grâce de la justice réparatrice et sa contribution à la responsabilisation des prochaines générations. The French translation of Richard Van Camp’s graphic novel Three Feathers, Trois plumes explores the power and grace of restorative justice and the cultural legacy that can empower future generations.

  • Tú eres tú

    Richard Van Camp, Julie Flett (Illustrator), Lawrence Schimel (Translator)

    This poetic board book for babies and toddlers, which celebrates the joy that babies bring to the world, is now available in Spanish.

  • We Sang You Home / Ka Kîweh Nikâmôstamâtinân

    Richard Van Camp, Julie Flett (Illustrator), Mary Cardinal Collins (Translator)

    Richard Van Camp, illustrated by Julie Flett, translated by Mary Cardinal Collins This dual language (English/Plains Cree) edition of Van Camp’s sweet baby book celebrates the bond between new parents and children.

  • Welcome Song for Baby / Ni Nikamon ‘Tawâw Nipepîmis’

    Richard Van Camp, Mary Cardinal Collins (Translator)

    This dual language (English/Plains Cree) edition of Van Camp’s lyrical baby book sings of a loving future for all babies.