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  • What Kind of Daughter?

    Rayanne Haines

    This hybrid collection of poetry and essay explores the liminal space one inhabits when grieving, whether grieving a loss of self or a loss of another. Haines reflects on her life growing up in rural Alberta, and considers the loss of her mother to cancer, asking questions about navigating through holding patterns of almost grief, and making it through the burden of care.

  • Recombinant Theory

    Joel Katelnikoff

    This collection of literary essays challenges how readers interact with and perceive text, context, and critical writing. Katelnikoff literally cut up works of 10 contemporary poet-theorists – Annharte, Charles Bernstein, Christian Bök, Johanna Drucker, L. Hejinian, Steve McCaffery, Erín Moure, Sawako Nakayasu, Lisa Robertson, and Fred Wah – and recombined the cut-ups into new lyric and theoretical essays.

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